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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Youth Ministry

young girl praying indoor

In today’s fast-changing world, a lot of the youth population remains firm and fervent in serving the Lord God. Here at Deeper Life Bible Church, Philadelphia, our Youth Ministry will lead your young ones to understand and know God and His Works and Promises deeper. This ministry is designed to lead the younger generation to further know and have a stronger grasp of the joy and fulfillment in praising the Lord God, finding a deeper meaning of life. We aim to train and equip the youth spiritually, enabling a Godly atmosphere in the Glory of the Lord. We work hard to foster their personal and spiritual growth and draw them into responsible participation in life.

Unite with Us Today!

We are dedicated to exalting His Name and reaching out to those who seek His light. Come and be a part of any of our ministries as we continue to rejoice in His loving Grace. You can connect with us by sending us a message.